Friday, May 29, 2009

Busy as a bee and stealing wax and honey while I am at it!

Working soooo much on products! I think I have figured out the salves and creams are pretty much there, though I am having seconds thoughts about them and may quickly try a new recipe, before I am satisfied completely. Trying to write up a brochure with a comprehensive product list with prices, but its as tedious as it sounds and its so sunny and I am easily distract-...oh look, shiny thing!...

The good news is, I think everything is coming together and I may even have a semi complete product line up and ready by mid summer. I may even try my hand at a Farmer's Market or two before the summer is over. I will try and get my official store website up by then as well with the chance to order certain products online.

So sorry I have neglected the blog, but once i get all official I will try my hardest to actually update here! I may even try the video stuff again, but that might be too much for this camera shy girl. ;)

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Well done, Amanda! : )