Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ahhh Summer

I haven't forgotten you blog. I just had a little time off this year. Now that my mini vacation is over I am thinking I will have less time for book writing (sorry book) and more time for short bursts of style!

It's been an excitingly lush summer, with all the rain we had in the spring everything is staying green so far and it's all really pretty all over Spokane. I think more and more people are gardening these days and it shows. Everyone I know with a house has a garden and even some of us that don't have houses are finding ways to grow things! ( for instance our apartment house got together and created it's own garden plot).

Been spending some time drying herbs but haven't made it to step two with the processing. Been sort of preoccupied with writing this month, but I am noticing I really need to harvest most of my parent's yard this week so I might have to buckle down and harvest all day tomorrow, in between peeling paint from the porch... that should be fun. Maybe it will be less hot tomorrow? Please?

This time next week I will be either as exhausted as I am today or really energized after a full weeks work. It depends on how I take back to the water of working again.